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Slovio: Short Description

Slovio: Kratju Opisanie

Basic alphabet:
a, b, c, cx, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, sx, t, u, v, z, zx,
  Vowels a, e, i, o, u, are pronounced as in Spanish, German, Polish; Consonants: cx (ch in cheese), zx (s in usual), sx (sh in ship) j (y in yes), c (ts in cats), other letters more or less as in English.
Accent: reccommended on the penultimate syllable (one before last) but the language is highly tolerant of other accents.
Gender: there is no grammatical gender. To describe the gender of persons or animals we use: -ic (male), -ica (female).
Articles: There is no indefinite article, a definite article "ta" can be used but is not compulsory.
Numbers: nul (0), din (1), dva (2), tri (3), cxtir (4), piat (5), sxes (6), siem (7), vos (8), dev (9), des (10), dvades (20), sto (100), tisicx (1000), milion (1000000)..
Plural is formed by adding -is, and object or direction we indicate by adding -f. There are no other inclinations.
Adjectives: end with -ju, they are unchangeable. To create comparatives we use the following words placed before the adjective: bolsx (more), mensx (less). To form superlatives we use these words: maks (the most), min (the least).
Adverbs: end with -uo; comparatives and superlatives are formed the same way as with adjectives.
Verbs: the basic form of verbs ends with -t, tenses are determined with 3 help words: bu (future), es (present), bil (past); interrogative:  add "li" to the beginning of the sentence; imperative: add "das" to the beginning of the sentence.
Osnovju azbukva:
a, b, c, cx, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, sx, t, u, v, z, zx,
 Samgloskas a, e, i, o, u, es izgvoritju takak vo Espanio, Germanio, Polakio; Spolgloskas: cx (ch vo "cheese"), zx (s vo "usual"), sx (sh vo "ship") j (y vo "yes"), c (ts vo "cats"), inju bukvas podobuo takak vo Angloio.
Akcent: rekomenditju akcent es na predposledju slog, no Slovio jazika es velm terpimju inju akcentifs.
Polrod: Slovio imajt nikai gramatju polrod. Dla opisanie polroduf om osobas ili zveris, upotrebime -ic (muzx), -ica (zxen).
Artiklis: Slovio imajt nikai neuverenju artikl; uverenju artikl "ta" es upotrebimju no ne es obviazju.
Cxislos: nul (0), din (1), dva (2), tri (3), cxtir (4), piat (5), sxes (6), siem (7), vos (8), dev (9), des (10), dvades (20), sto (100), tisicx (1000), milion (1000000)..
Ktoslovis: Mnogost es tvoritju so pridanie -is, i obiektat ili napravenie es tvoritju so pridanie -f.
Kaislovis: koncijut so -ju, i es nezmenimju. Dla tvorenie porovnenies, upotrebime sleditsju slovis mestovilju pred kaislovis: bolsx, mensx. Dla formenie nadrovneniefs upotrebime sleditsju slovis: maks (naibolx), min (naimensx).
Kakslovis: koncijut so -uo. Porovnenies i nadrovnenies tvorime takak so kaislovis.
Delaslovis: osnovju form delaslovifs koncijt so -t, vremakis es tvoritju so 3 pomocju slovis: bu (buvrem), es (tutvrem), bil (bilvrem);
voprosis: pridaj "li" vo start slovgrupuf;
prikazis: pridaj "das" vo start slovgrupuf.
Tutvremak / Present tense
Buvremak / Future tense
ja es idit
ti es idit
to es idit
on es idit
ona es idit
ono es idit
mi es idit
vi es idit
oni es idit
I go
you go
he,she,it goes
he goes
she goes
it goes
we go
you go (plural)
they go
ja bu idit
ti bu idit
to bu idit
on bu idit
ona bu idit
ono bu idit
mi bu idit
vi bu idit
oni bu idit
I will go
you will go
he,she,it will go
he will go
she will go
it will go
we will go
you will go (plural)
they will go
Bilvremak / Past tense
Eslivremak / Contitional tense
ja bil idit
ti bil idit
to bil idit
on bil idit
ona bil idit
ono bil idit
mi bil idit
vi bil idit
oni bil idit
I went
you went
he,she,it went
he went
she went
it went
we went
you went (plural)
they went
ja bi idit
ti bi idit
to bi idit
on bi idit
ona bi idit
ono bi idit
mi bi idit
vi bi idit
oni bi idit
I would've gone
you would've gone
he,she,it would've gone
he would've gone
she would've gone
it would've gone
we would've gone
you would've gone (pl.)
they would've gone
Prikazvremak / Imperative
Voprosvremak / Interrogative
let's go!
go! (plural or polite)
li ti es delat?
li ti bil delat?
li ti bu delat?
do you work?
did you work?
will you work?

Slovio Grammar.
TEXTS. Sample Slovio texts.
SPELLING and transliteration. Slovio alphabet.
NUMBERS. Slovio numbers.
82DICTX.GIF (4875 bytes)
SUMMARY information about the language Slovio.
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Slovio CLUBS around the World. Join a club.
LINKS to linguistic pages. Language links.
82FAQ-X.GIF (2825 bytes)
Information for publishers.
Discussing Slovio language.

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Slovio gramatik
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82SUMM4.GIF (1193 Byte)
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Slovio can be written also in cyrillic alphabet. For transliteration of Slovio texts into cyrillic please click this button.

84TRANSX.GIF (1435 bytes)

Slovio mozxuo pisat tozx vo kirilik. Dla perebukvanie Slovio tekstuf vo kirilikuf prosime klikijte tut knopka.









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