Immortology is a science which strives to achieve human physical immortality of the body
and of the mind. The tools of the immortology could be many. Here we list just a few
1) Through a balanced intake of vitamins and other nutrients slow down the aging process.
2) Through an intake of age-slowing or metabolism-slowing chemicals slow down the aging
3) Reprogram the human glands responsible for the aging process.
4) Genetically change the somatic cells of the body and the human organs in order to make
them more resistant to the aging process.
5) Replace individual human organs with new genetically-engineered or mechanical organs.
Keep replacing those organs for as long as necessary to achieve continuity and immortality
of the body.
6) Replace individual human neurons with biological or mechanical replacements. Keep on
replacing millions of these neurons as the original neurons keep dying off. While
replacing the dying off original neurons make the replacement in such a way as to maintain
the original structure and connectivity of the brain without changing the function or the
7) Replace entire sections of the brain with new electronic brain-cells.
8) Add new electronic components to the brain, either externally or internally. (This is
already been done by the de-facto integration of hand-held devices and computers into the
thinking process of the individual.)
9) Make a total backup of the brain including all the thoughts, memories, associations,
feelings and of the thinkig processes.
10) Construct either biological or electonic devices into which the backup of the human
brain could be restored, thus assuring the continued existence of the human mind (the
human software) apart from the original aged or damaged human brain (the human hardware).
The term "immortology" has been coined in the 1970ies by Mark Hucko. LINK
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the users are free to copy it, to discuss it and to republish it as long as they make a
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Portrait of Mark Hucko (in Toronto)
(copyright-free for use in biographies) |
brief biography
Mark Hucko is a Slovak scientist and linguist who constructed
Slovio, Blitz English and in 2007 also Ruskio - a simplified Russian. Mark Hucko in 1968 emigrated to Canada,
where he studied at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, and at the University of
Toronto. In 1979 he had founded and directed Longevity Research Hospital, in San
Francisco. Between 1983 and 1987 he lived in
Berne, Switzerland, where he had dedicated his time to longevity and cosmological research
and during which period he wrote Blitz-English,
a simplified form of English. Between 1987 and 1993 he lived in Yarmouth, Canada. In 1993
he moved back to Switzerland, where he worked at first in the IT business and where in
1999 he started creating Slovio,
a simplified universal Slavic language. After 1999 he got also involved in human rights
movement, and has been an active and leading member of Ombudsman International.
His engagement in the human rights movement was motivated by his perception that the
Swiss-German majority is racist and oppresses ethnic minorities in Switzerland. According
to Mark Hucko he and his children have also become victims of this oppression in
Switzerland. During the years 2006 and 2007 Mark Hucko had oscillated between Switzerland
and Slovakia.
Apart from linguistics Mark Hucko has become known for his Multi-Level Universe
Cosmological theory and for his pioneering work in life-extension and immortology. Hucko's Multi-Level Cosmology
envisions our "universe" as simply one level in a multi-level universe.
According to Hucko our level of the universe had begun when a large mass in a higher level
of the universe became so big and so dense that upon reaching a critical mass it had
collapsed into singularity and into a black-hole. The creation of the black-hole and of
the event horizon in the higher level of the universe had been observed from inside the
black-hole, i.e. from inside of our level of the universe, as a "big-bang" as
the beginning of our level of the universe. Hucko explains the "big-bang" not as
a matter explosion but as a space explosion. Hucko has also coined the term "immortology"
which he defines as a scientific search for physical immortality.
He emigrated to Canada in
1968; since 1984 he has lived intermittently
in Switzerland,
Canada and in Slovakia.

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