1. BASIC PHRASES Zdrav! - Hi! Hello! (universal greeting) Dobrju den - good day, hello Dobrju utro - good morning Dobrju vecxer - good evening Dobrju nocx - good night Do videnie! - see you! good bye! Vitajte! - welcome! Idijme! - Let's go! Prosijm! - Please Hvala! - Thanks! Thank you! Kak vams? - How are you? Dobruo - well, I am well, I am OK |
Ne dobruo - not well |
PRONUNCIATION a - a in car b - b in big c - ts in pets cx - ch in church d - d in do, dog e - e in ever, end f - f in fan, finger g - g in good, go gx - g in general h - h in happy i - ee in beet j - y in you, yellow k - k in kite, king l - l in love, long m - m in mother, money n - n in no, nothing o - o in snow, p - p in pat r - r in right (rolled) s - s in sun sx - sh in ship, shine t - t in tree u - oo in pool v - v in very wx - shch in wishchest z - z in zebra zx - s in usual, pleasure |
3. NOUNS AND DEMONSTRATIVES Slovio nouns (as in English), don't have any grammatical gender. They can end in any vowel or consonant. There are no cases. If there is a need to distinguish between subject and object, an object ends with -(u)f. In normal sentences object follows subject and in such cases it is not necessary to add the -(u)f ending. Plural nouns end with -(i)s, in the object form with -(i)fs Examples: Subject: Kto? Sxto? (Who? What?) Object: Ktof? Sxtof? (Whom? What?) 4. PRONOUNS AND POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES Subject pronouns: ja - I ti - you (singular) on - he ona - she ono - it mi - we vi - you (plural or polite) oni - they Posessive: moi - my, mine tvoi - your, yours (singular) jegoi - his onai - her, hers onoi - its nasx - our, ours vasx - your, yours (plural / polite) onivoi - their, theirs 5. BASIC VOCABULARY yes - da no - ne and - i only - tolk now - tper but - no always - vsegda never - nigda something - nesxto nothing - nisxto almost - pocxti naturally - priroduo friend - priatel human - cxlovek man - muzx woman - zxen boy - mlodic girl - mlodica child - dete book - knig paper - papir pen - pero dog - pes cat - kot 6. BASIC VERBS To be present: ja / ti / on / ona / ono / mi / vi / oni + es future: ja / ti / on / ona / ono / mi / vi / oni + bu past: ja / ti / on / ona / ono / mi / vi / oni + bil conditional: ja / ti / on / ona / ono / mi / vi / oni + bi To have present: ja / ti / on / ona / ono / mi / vi / oni + imat future: ja / ti / on / ona / ono / mi / vi / oni + bu imat past: ja / ti / on / ona / ono / mi / vi / oni + bil imat conditional: ja / ti / on / ona / ono / mi / vi / oni + bi imat To go present: ja / ti / on / ona / ono / mi / vi / oni + idit future: ja / ti / on / ona / ono / mi / vi / oni + bu idit past: ja / ti / on / ona / ono / mi / vi / oni + bil idit conditional: ja / ti / on / ona / ono / mi / vi / oni + bi idit 7. QUESTIONS Li + sentence Li vi razumit slovio? (Do you understand Slovio?) Li vi es glodju? (Are you hungry?) Li oni slisxit muzik? (Do they hear music?) Question words: sxto? what kto? who pocx? why kak? how gda? when cxoi? whose skolk? how much gde? where gdef? where to ot gde? where from 8. NUMBERS cxislo number nul zero din one dva two tri three cxtir four piat five sxes six siem seven vos eight dev nine des ten dinnades eleven dvanades twelve trinades thirteen cxtirnades fourteen piatnades fifteen sxesnades sixteen siemnades seventeen vosnades eighteen devnades nineteen dvades 20 trides 30 cxtirdes 40 piatdes 50 sxesdes 60 siemdes 70 vosdes 80 devdes 90 sto 100 tisicx thousand milion million 9. DAYS, MONTHS and SEASONS Days: Ponedelek Monday Vtorek Tuesday Sredek Wednesday Cxtirek Thursday Piatek Friday Subotek Saturday Nedelek Sunday Months: Januar January Februar February Marc March April April Mai May Juni June Juli July August August Septembr September Oktobr October Novembr November Decembr December Seasons: Vesna spring Leto summer Osen Autumn / Fall Zima Winter 10. TIME Ktor vrem es? What time is it? 3:15 Es tri cxasis i piat minut. 3:15 Es tri cxasis i cxetvert. 12:45 Es dvanades cxasis i tri-cxetvert. Polnocx. Midnight. Polden. Noon. 11. COLORS cxervenju red zelenju green zxoltju yellow cxernju black belju white siniju blue kasxtanju brown fioletju violet purpurju purple oranzxju orange 12. WEATHER Kai pogod es? What is the weather like? Tut den es .... This day it is .... sunceju sunny oblakju cloudy / overcast teplju warm holodju cold goracxju hot dusnju humid vitrju windy mgla fog dozxd rain sneg snow See also - QUICK MANUALS: English version Slovak Version Sample texts: ![]() Complete grammar: ![]() Complete dictionary: ![]() Multimedial education: ![]() |
(adverbs) |
(alternative) |
-?- | NE- | LIB- lib-o- |
NI- | VSE- | IN- in-o- |
TA- | TU- | TAM- | EDVA- |
question | some- | any- | no- none- | every- | other- else- | the, that | (same as TA- but near) | (same as TA- but distant) | hardly- |
which (alternative) |
KTOR | nektor | libktor | niktor | vsektor | inktor | taktor | tuktor tut |
tamktor tot |
edvaktor |
which? | some | any | none, no | every | other one | this, which | this | that | hardly any |
who (alternative) |
KTO | nekto | libkto | nikto | vsekto | inkto | takto to |
tukto tut |
tamkto tot |
edvakto |
who? | somebody | anybody | nobody | everybody, each | other (person) | the (person) | hardly anyone |
what (alternative) |
SXTO | nesxto | libsxto | nisxto | vsesxto | insxto | tasxto to |
tusxto tut |
tamsxto tot |
edvasxto |
what? | something | anything | nothing | everything | other (thing) | the (thing) | hardly anything |
how (alternative) |
KAK | nekak | libkak | nikak | vsekak | inkak | takak tak |
tukak | tamkak | edvakak |
how? | somehow | anyhow | in no way | in every way | other way | thus, so | hardly any way |
when (alternative) |
GDA | negda | libgda | nigda | vsegda | ingda | tagda | tugda tper |
tamgda | edvagda |
when? | some time | any time | never | always | other-when | then | hardly anytime |
what like? | KAI | nekai | libkai | nikai | vsekai | inkai | takai | tukai | tamkai | edvakai |
what kind of? | some kind of | any kind of | no kind of | each kind of | other kind | such as | hardly any kind |
why? (alternative) |
POCX | nepocx | libpocx | nipocx | vsepocx | inpocx | tapocx bo |
tupocx | tampocx | edvapocx |
why? | for some reason | for any reason | for no reason | for every reason | other-why | that's why | hardly for any reason |
where? (alternative) |
GDE | negde | libgde | nigde | vsegde | ingde | tagde | tugde tu |
tamgde tam |
edvagde |
where? | somewhere | anywhere | nowhere | everywhere | else-where | there | hardly anywhere |
how much? | SKOLK | neskolk | libskolk | niskolk | vseskolk | inskolk | taskolk | tuskolk | tamskolk | edvaskolk |
how much? how many? |
some amount | any amount | no amount | every amount | other amount | that much | hardly any amount |
whose? | CXOI | necxoi | libcxoi | nicxoi | vsecxoi | incxoi | tacxoi | tucxoi | tamcxoi | edvacxoi |
whose? | some one's | any one's | no one's | every one's | other one's | that one's | hardly anyone's |
SLOVIO Sample texts: |