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TEXTS. Sample Slovio texts.

Here are some of the problems we have encountered during the development of the Slovio language. We feel we have to explain them again and again because again and again come the same questions on these subjects and enthusiasts, again and again, try to "reinvent" the language by repeatedly suggesting all those possibilities we have already considered.


cx, sx, zx, gx, - after trying many variants we have accepted this type of spelling, because the letter combinations "cx, sx, zx, gx" don't exist in any major languages and thus don't create confusion or mix up with existing words from other languages. We felt is was important to give Slovio the ability to use and if needed to absorb words from other languages while keeping the original spelling and without creating any confusion or conflicts with existing Slovio words. Of course, instead of writing "gx" you could also write "dzx" but why waste an extra letter and make the spelling look more complicated?

ch, sh, zh, - this is the spelling used in the English language, and just because it is used in the English language its use in Slovio would create thousands of possible words which would look the same way as existing English-language words yet have different meanings and pronounciations in Slovio and in English.

c', s', z', dz', - one of the problems with the use of an apostrophy is that there are several similar looking characters, on various keyboards, which look the same - yet have different codes and would look different in different browsers.

cz, sz, zz, dzz, - this was another possibility being considered, however we felt that the dual use of letter "z" for two different sounds was confusing and that this type of usage could create conflicts with existing words from other languages for example "jazz, pizza, puzzle, grizzly, razzia, paparazzi" and thousands of other words. A frustrated Russian user attempting to transliterate the name of his city Zaporozhzhya using this system got the ridiculous combination of Zaporozzzzia.

cj, sj, zj, dzj, - this is still another possibility.

j / y - the first version of Slovio was using "y" instead of "j" for the same sound - more or less in the same way it is being used in English. However for the Slavic speaking nations using the latin alphabet the letter "j" was more appropriate, and better known.


-(i)s - despite the fact that the letter combination -is designating the plural is not native to Slavic languages, we felt that this usage created a more simple language, spelling and grammar and fewer conflicts. It did not require massive root-mutiliation in order to make the roots fit the other possible alternative plural-endings.

-i - In the Slavic languages plural is being formed in many different ways, and it is this feature of the Slavic languages, their irregularity in the formation of the plural, which creates most difficulties for both native and non-native speakers. It is true that one of the most common ways (but by far not the only one) to create the plural of nouns is the letter "-i". However, this usage creates thousands of conflicts, because in order to use it one would have to change and amputate many naturally occurring and well known Slavic word-roots. The changing of thousands of roots in order to accomodate this type of plural formation was more negative to comprehension than the use of -(i)s plural ending. For example how do you create the plural of such words as Slavia, historia, guru, gora, dete ... without mutilation of the roots of these words.


-ju - after trying many other alternative adjective-endings we felt that this ending was the most natural and the most flexible for adjective. It can be just as easily added to roots ending with a consonant as to those ending with a vowel. This cannot be said about such endings as "a" or "e". And the adjective ending "-ju" occurs naturally in some Slavic languages.

-a, -e -y, - all of these ending are less suitable to use as an ending for a natural language such as Slovio because they require that the root always ends with a consonant - something that is not possible with a naturally sounding Slavic language. Slavic roots end both in vowels and in consonants and this fact has to be taken into consideration instead of amputating and mutilitating Slavic word-roots in order for them to fit an imperfect grammar.
-ya, -yu - as explained previously the first versions of Slovio used "y" instead of "j" however this had been changed in later versions.


-uo - the advantage of this ending is the fact that the letter combination "u+o" can be just as easily added (and pronounced) to word-roots ending both in vowels or in consonants. The other possible alternatives don't allow this kind of universal usage, and once again demand amputation of naturally occurring vowels from Slavic word-roots.

-e, -o, -om - once again these kinds of simple endings may be well suited for artificial languages with artificially amputated roots, all of which end with a consonant, but are absolutely unsuitable for Slavic languages which have roots ending both in vowels and in consonants.


-(u)f, -(i)fs, - this is the feature of the Slovio gramar which has caused the most arguments. While we realize that perhaps these endings are not ideal, we had to accept them during the first stages of Slovio development in order to complete the language and the grammar. At the time we had accepted these endings it was not yet clear how would the language develop, but since the letter "f" is very rare in Slavic languages we felt that these endings created the least confusion and that they could be easily changed to a better to a more natural ending - should such ending be found and agreed upon. Some of those other endings, still being considered, follow. However, we felt and we feel, that it is better to wait a little, until we and the rest of the Slavic speaking people are 100% sure about the best ending. Follow some other possibilities under consideration.
[ -(u)m, -(u)mis, - currently we feel that perhaps this is the best alternative and the best replacement for the above. We recommend the experimental usage of this form until we can establish if it appropriate.]

-(u)m, -(u)mis, - one of the best alternatives for the above.

Here are several similar-sounding alternatives:.
-(u)f, -(u)ms,
-(u)f, -(i)ms,.
-(u)m, -(i)ms,.

-(u)g - this is similar to the usage in several Slavic languages but it may be difficult to pronounce and may create problems for roots ending with "g". Question remains if we use -(u)g for the singular what do we use for the plural: -(i)gs, -(i)ms or?

-(u)g, -(i)ms, - this is another possible combination singular / plural object+direction.

-(u)v -  this is similar to the usage in central-European Slavic languages but it may create problems for roots ending with "v".

-(u)h - this is another possible alternative.

If you have other proposals or other ideas you are welcome to voice them at blognik.com But before you give us other "new and revolutionary" proposals how to improve Slovio, you should keep all of the above mentioned arguments in mind, and you should keep in mind that Slavic word-roots end just as frequently with a vowel as with a consonant. This is not Esperanto, this is Slovio - a natural fusion of modern Slavic languages.

Slavic / non Slavic:
Another argument we have come across over the years was from those who were attempting to make the all-slavic language more Slavic, by eliminating most or even all words of non-Slavic origin. Unfortunately such steps would lead to a reduced comprehensibility, since most slavic languages are inundated with foreign words, and many of those non-Slavic words are universally understood in all Slavic speaking countries. While we want to use as many words of Slavic origin as possible, in many cases non-Slavic words offer better and more universal comprehensibility.

At the other end of the spectrum are those who want to use as many international non-Slavic words as possible, in the belief that this will make the language more acceptable and easier to learn to non-Slavic speakers. This extreme position could lead to a language that is incomprehensible, without learning, to the majority of Slavic speaker. We have to balance between the two opposing directions and demands, keeping in focus the simplicity of grammar and spelling on one hand and the comprehensibility of the language, especially to native Slavic speakers, on the other hand.

Flexible grammar and spelling proposal:
In order to help us all to find the best grammar and spelling solution for our common language, we invite all to write in Slovio - but use the grammar and spelling that they prefer - in order to test their ideas. Just use the common Slovio vocabulary and add your grammar and spelling. We think in this way, with time, the readers will decide which grammar and spelling is the best, the most flexible and the most understandable. If your grammar and spelling system are as good as you think, it should be no problem to use them and to be understood. Only through practical usage can we try it. Theoretical quarelling is just theory and does not try the theory in practice. However, it is important that Slovio and the Slovio grammar, spelling and vocabulary remain as stabilized as possible. Therefore we will not change the current official Slovio grammarand spelling until a solution has been found with which can agree most Slavists and institutes of Slavistics. But please use in your spelling only the basic letters of the latin alphabet without any special signs or formatting.

Why is Slovio the way it is?
Slovio is trying to find the right balance between simplicity, on one hand, and comprehensibility by the maximum number of readers or listeners, on the other hand. Perhaps the grammar and spelling could be made even more simple - but at the price of losing comprehension. And perhaps the language could be  made even more comprehensible - but once again at the cost of losing its simplicity and regularity. We feel that currently Slovio is close to the right balance between simplicity and comprehensibility and we would like to keep it that way, or improve - if possible. So if you want to help us please keep this in mind. Thank you.

See also: Flexible grammar and orthography

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